Before you subscribe: F.A.Q.

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The minimum contract term is 12 months and can be terminated at any time with 60 days’ notice.

User is the person who accesses MagoWeb to use the system, enter data and perform processing. You configure the access credentials (user and password) to each user, as well as roles and permissions. Every operation done by the user is tracked by the system.

MagoWeb supports all the industry-standard security protocols, including 2FA for user authentication. You can configure your system to be secure, yet fully accessible from anywhere.

Sure! You can request a free demo of MagoWeb. One of our application experts will show you the functions of the software by planning an online session. Request a demo now!

The learning time of MagoWeb is very fast. The timing of full use of MagoWeb in your company depends essentially on the complexity of your organization.

If you install MagoWeb on your local network, you may be still able to access it even if Internet is down. If you choose to have it in a Data Center, you need a connection: we always recommend to have a backup connection (even a simple Internet dongle is sufficient).

Of course, each user can have his/her own role and can be enabled to view and use only those modules and functions that the system administrator has expressly allowed.

You choose the infrastructure hosting your MagoWeb:  organizing it with redundant elements  to balance the workload, you ensure optimal performances and continuity of service delivery. Ask for Zucchetti’s Data Center predefined hosting.

Your data are stored in a database dedicated to your subscription, and you have full control over them.

You can request a new password by clicking on the link “Forgot your password?”
If at the time of registration, your user account has been correctly connected to an email, check your mail, you will find instructions to continue.

If this is not the case, please notify your partner immediately. The old password can be locked and  a new one generated.

The database is completely under your control and therefore the data are accessible only to you and to the users defined by you.

MagoWeb has no limits regarding number of users.

To increase the number of users oradd new modules, the Partner administering your MagoWeb will do it through the Store.

Of course,  just ask your Partner for that. Any change will take effect from the next maintenance fee (if you are on License model) or Subscription renewal.

To ensure maximum security and to avoid data loss, the cancellation can only be requested by the Partner administering your MagoWeb. T If you are on License model, you can still use MagoWeb, but only by working on your old data; if you have a Subscription, MagoWeb will stop working, but you will still have access to your DB

The subscription fee for using MagoWeb includes the right to use the ERP for the activated functions.

Choosing the License model gives you the right to use the ERP for the purchased modules. The maintenance fee for using MagoWeb includes: the right to obtain the latest versions of the ERP and to enter data until the maintenance expiration date. Once the maintenance is expired and is not renewed, you will only be able to work on the old data.

MagoWeb ERP is a software entirely developed with Service Oriented technology that allows you to manage a User Interface rich in content, simple and intuitive, as well as configurable on the user’s needs, without the need for customization.

After configuring the desired web solution in the MagoWeb store with the help of your Partner you will receive an email containing the link to download the installation kit and related access credentials.

You have full control over your database, so everything is up to you.

Any data entered on MagoWeb can be exported with a simple click in excel format.
If you need to integrate the data with other systems, contact your partner and evaluate together how to proceed.

The technical support service for Users is entrusted to the Partner channel; it is also possible to benefit from training and tutoring, as well as to request customizations.

Alright, I'm on board! What's the next step?

Choose between the Packages specifically designed for your company or build your own ERP solution à la carte.

Certified Partners are here to help you choose the right solution for your needs, to create a competitive advantage in your industry.

If you are interested in reselling MagoWeb, contact us to find out how to become a Certified Partner and extend your business.