Financials & accounting

Total control. Flexible and transparent business accounting.

MagoWeb’s features for the Financials area allow you to work from anywhere, share with your employees, and collaborate with consultants.
Just add features to create a complete solution for your business.

Explore features like billing, payments, reporting, and more. The administrative management applications of MagoWeb have everything you need to manage your numbers effortlessly.

MagoWeb is the perfect fit for you!

The benefits of
Financial Accounting

for your Company

with greater cost visibility

with accounting models

thanks to data transparency

BETTER LIQUIDITY with optimal management

Features for every aspect of your business

Financial Accounting

Simply and accurately fulfill all the tax obligations of ordinary accounting.
Create files for SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit in SEPA XML format. Send via email the SDD Mandates.

Forecast accounting

Accurate and reliable period accounting control to obtain a simulated period-related financial statements that are really close to the company’s reality.

XBRL Balance

Turn your balance sheet into the standard XBRL format, taking advantage of the EU reclassification already in the general accounting module.

Basel II Balance Analysis

Monitor your company’s performance; have a financial, asset and economic evaluation according to Basel II.

Multicompany Balance

Manage one or more companies: collect the financial statements of the individual companies to obtain the consolidated financial statements, you can also convert the balances into foreign currency.

Analysis & Controlling

Monitoring of business events with economic significance. Definition of cost centers, multi-year job orders, analytical accounts for non-accounting events.

Fixed Assets

Manage the complex matter of depreciable assets from the moment of acquisition until disposal, in compliance with regulations.

Cash Management

Record inputs and outputs on a session that periodically consolidates and generates accounting recordings. Each operation is associated with a button.


Produce and send to Customs the Intrastat Lists required by EU regulations; you can manage operations for tax and/or statistical purposes.

Accounting Inventory Book

Print all the reports that make up the Inventory Book, including attachments, or specific reports in Mago or freely compiled reports.

Accounting Data Exchange with Omnia or AGO

Connect with the accountant who uses Omnia or AGO. You can also maintain its supervision by adopting the relevant chart of accounts without linking to Omnia/AGO sub-accounts.

Importing Payroll

Recognition of accounting entries for staff management: import a file from Omnia Paghe and get the first note in ordinary accounting, with the related analytical movement.

Maestro Connector

Export your accounting balances to the Zucchetti Maestro software via an Excel file, based on a dedicated reclassification scheme.

Magix Fisco Azienda Connector

Export your accounting balances to the Zucchetti Magix Fisco Azienda software via a txt file to be imported in Magix.

ZGDPR Connector

Export master data of customers, suppliers, contacts and prospective suppliers to Zucchetti ZGDPR software.

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