Functions & Tools

Administration, Purchases, Sales, Logistics, Production and Store Management: all you need to run your business on a single, fully cloud, collaborative and smart platform

MagoWeb is a latest generation ERP software, characterized by different application areas, in order to meet the different functional needs also in multi-company and global-oriented business.

Financials Accounting

Explore features like billing, payments, reporting, and more. The administrative management applications of MagoWeb have everything you need to manage your numbers effortlessly.

Sales and Purchases

Learn how to effectively manage the entire Active and Passive Cycle with MagoWeb, thanks to advanced features and application modules designed to take care of the entire sales and purchasing process, from ordering to electronic invoicing.

Manufacturing Planning

MagoWeb offers you a complete production solution that avoids unnecessary downtime while increasing production efficiency, quality and profit margins.

Warehouse and Logistics

Streamline your business with applications designed to optimize the entire logistics chain, inventory management, shipping and payment.

Store Management

Modern, powerful cloud solution for any retail company, to improve, grow and scale

Mago e-Commerce

The integration between Mago e-commerce and your ERP is a competitive advantage for your business! It guarantees you greater efficiency, time savings and a better shopping experience for your customers.

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